
‘’Thank you for the copy of the letter you sent to my G.P. which I received this week. On reading it I was really shocked at what a broken state I was in when you saw me and arranged for the soft cast to replace the backslab I arrived in. You explained very carefully your reasoning. We removed the cast at home after the three weeks you advised. (Covid preventing patient from coming to hospital) I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your skill and judgement. The shock came because the accident is so much in the past for me now as I am pretty full mended. I am happily able to dig on my allotment (for limited time), push the laden wheelbarrow, do up the fiddly necklace clasp at the back of my neck and indulge in 3 hour walks over the lovely hills around where I live: essential activities. The ability of the body to heal itself is amazing but it really helps when treatment is sound. Thank you so much for the time you gave me; I did want you to know how grateful I am to you and your colleagues.’’